*New* Project Timeline
The new project timeline has been finalized! The following major project milestones are important to note: End-user testing: End-user testing
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my health care is a secure, online patient portal that provides patients, authorized friends, family members and caregivers access to their electronic health record from our partner hospitals, anywhere, at any time.
Portal users are able to view appointments, pre-register for upcoming appointments, see their visit history, review results, access dictated reports and update personal information.
my health care can be accessed online, or on the MHealth app on iPhone or Android.
For any questions or assistance, please contact the my health care support team by email at [email protected] or call 705-797-2955.
To ensure you are well equipped with the tools needed to support patients who have a my health care patient portal account, a physician ‘tool kit” is available to help fully support you and your patients. Please click the links below to download copies of the products.
Stopping Info from Flowing to Portal
Please contact contact the my health care support team by email at [email protected] or call 705-797-2955 to request a printed copy of the kit.
This two minute demo video will take you step by step through the basic process of personalizing your orders sets. Please click on the button below to watch the video.
Please note that the video will open in a new window displaying on YouTube.
The CARE4 Practice Environment page is dedicated to helping you adopt the skills and tools you need to successfully navigate through Expanse and become confident with its functionalities. Patient scenarios for Providers are available for both Web Acute and Web ED.
To ensure you have the support and training you need to be successful with navigating MEDITECH Expanse, links to Physician Workflow videos have been added below. Each video session will open in a new window displaying the playlist on YouTube.
Please check your emails for log-in instructions for the eLearning platform called Surge Learning. Physicians and other providers can learn at their own pace and revisit the content anytime.
As a reminder, this portion of training is estimated to be approximately 4 to 6 hours of learning (depending on the modules assigned to you). eLearning will provide fundamental technical and functional skills to navigate MEDITECH Expanse, specifically the functionality of Web Acute, Emergency Department, and Ambulatory care.
The new project timeline has been finalized! The following major project milestones are important to note: End-user testing: End-user testing
MEDITECH Expanse is going to transform patient care at our four partner organizations; Collingwood General Marine Hospital, Georgian Bay General
In October 2019, the ONE group successfully went live with MEDITECH Expanse, including electronic documentation and computerized physician order entry
Once MEDITECH Expanse is live at our partner organizations, we will move to front-end dictation using Dragon Medical One to dictate directly into MEDITECH. This solution has an intuitive interface with great speech recognition technology. Other hospitals have migrated to Dragon Medical One with great success, and physicians have reported a high level of satisfaction with the new system.
There will still be functionality to accommodate verbal orders when required. However, it is safer to enter orders directly into MEDITECH via computer. This will ensure fewer errors are made, orders are timestamped, and there is a closed loop on medication administration.
Both verbal orders and orders made over the phone will require an electronic co-signature.
When documenting in MEDITECH templates with Dragon, it is possible to pull “formatted data” or specific data points from other locations in the chart into your note.
Physicians will have remote access to MEDITECH Expanse at all sites. As each site has a slightly different set up, you will receive information on how to access the system prior to implementation.
A device assessment is currently underway at each of the partner organizations. There is a plan to increase the number of computers and provide a variety of options that will meet physician needs. If you have a specific request for devices, please communicate them to your Chief, or CARE4 Chief Medical Information Officer
At the launch of MEDITECH Expanse, we will not have integration set up with outpatient EMRs, other than the hospital based clinics which will be using MEDITECH. There will be a link in MEDITECH to Connecting Ontario that will help you access information from other sites and labs when needed. We will also be contributing to HRM and OLIS which will facilitate information exchange.
We understand the value in having pictures added to the chart and solutions for this are in development. We do not know if this will be ready for GO LIVE in May, but it is a work in progress. Pictures will not be transmitted through the HRM interface until their interface is able to receive them.
We will be having open forum opportunities to work with the Expanse system prior to implementation. More details on these demonstrations is forthcoming. You will have access to the system with your training and education. It is fairly common for people to think that they will learn the system by “playing with it” much as we do APPs on our phone. However, The EHR is a complex interconnected system that requires more education. Physicians who have tried to learn it on their own have been less satisfied with the system than physicians who have received guided education.
We’ve been hearing this question a lot recently and know that clinical paper forms come in many versions. Though we are trying to eliminate as much paper as we can, paper forms will still exist once we implement Expanse. The CARE4 team is taking steps to identify the forms that are currently in use at all four partner sites. Some forms will only be used for downtime, some will be eliminated, while others will remain in use. Order sets, as an example, will only be required in paper form for downtime otherwise they will be built electronically into the system. Ministry forms and consent are examples that will remain on paper at GO LIVE.
Moving forms to an electronic version will be an ongoing process as forms become due for update and renewal. The CARE4 team has been diligently working to ensure electronic forms are easy to find in the Electronic Medical Record. The patient portal will allow for an additional opportunity for all four sites to examine the use of the portal for potential use of patient handouts/forms.
Scanned documents are searchable to the extent that they are scanned with specific names (tags). If you are having a difficult time finding a type of document, please report this to your champions and the team can work on optimizing filing.